We have suggestions for you on how to record your sound. Collaborate with local musicians, sound artists or friends and family who love to play an instrument or enjoy creating sound before you dive into online sound sources.
Sound and music play a powerful role in shaping our experiences with digital stories. Audio is considered a powerful driver of the viewer’s emotions.
Consider these five aspects of sound:
1. Voice over (Can be your own voice or someone you interview/ed or recording of a conversation)
2. Music (for example, a music video)
3. Background Music (playing softly at the same time as voice over
4. Ambient Sound/Soundscape (the sound of a room or in a park outside etc.)
5. Sound effects (Create your own sound effects – for example, walking on gravel or a dog barking – or use the resources below)
Do you own or can you access microphones and digital sound recording devices from your friends, a local media centre or even a public library? We will provide detailed feedback during the workshop based on what equipment you have.